Thursday, July 9, 2009

[cancercured] lifeone protocol

does anyone know anything about the lifeone protocol?

hello ladies

i have read both books.

i agree its very difficult to follow, my diet is juicing just veg in the morning - broccoli, celery, cucumber, avo, spinach, cabbage.
i also put omega 3 oil with it .

lunch i have a salad (green salad)

dinner i cheat a little, have a cooked sweet potatoe and soup etc.
so basically im raw breakfast and lunch time and cooked at dinner.

From: Nancy Dorr
I am on a low-sugar diet. The only fruits allowed are lemons, limes, tomatoes, avocado and virgin coconut. I was advised to not eat ANY sugar, but sugar is in tomatoes, lemons and limes. I have to have some. I am on the Robert O. Young/Gabriel Cousens diets which are extremely difficult to follow. Here is basically all you can have and it is 100% raw. I am using recipes from both authors' books, "Rainbow Green-Live Cuisine" and "Ph Miracle Diet." .....Is anyone else eating this strict on this website and if so what are you eating?....

--- On Sun, 7/12/09, plantenergy1 wrote:
Nancy -
I blend my greens daily. Usually 1/2 head romaine, spinach, or kale, with either a pear or apple or some berries in it (no bananas). I add 1 heaping tablespoon of my Vitamineral Green to this mix. No hassles of juicing and I use the whole plant and get the good pulp. I aim for a quart a day. At least 1/2 quart..... cathy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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