The reason for your astute observation lies with the fact that our medical system is corrupt. I discovered this having picked up a book in an airport with an unusual title: Politics in Healing by Daniel Haley a congressman. I thought to myself: who would know more about corruption than a politician? That book changed my life. It was a fascinating story about suppressed cancer cures and believe it or not, I was involved in one of the stories and never knew it until I read about a strange experience I had when I was ordered to remove a brand new telephone system our company had installed before the company ever opened. It was a scientific dairy in Cincinnati that was going to produce remedies using the colostrum of cows. There were other stories as well but the bottom line was that power and money has created the sickest nation on earth and that situation is very unlikely to ever change. I am convinced that in my lifetime, I will never see a cure for cancer. But I no longer fear it because I know how to cure it without medical intervention and that my dear friends, is exactly what the medical profession fears the most.
Our medical system isn't at all about your health, its about your wealth. Your life is of no value to them.
The corruption of medicine coincided with the new doctor's union called the AMA. Combined with J.D. Rockefeller'
There existed at that time a very sophisticated level of energy treatments that utilizes sound, light and electrical currents that directly influenced that stasis of cells and so-called germs. Amazing cures were routinely provided for only pennies of electricity. My vast collection of books on the energy aspect of disease treatment is astounding. I also have a number of these early treatment machines as well which I have restored to operating condition.
There was a man named Denshah Ghandiali who developed a simple colored light system that cured many diseases just by shining specific combinations of colors upon specified areas of the body. One case which is a matter of legal record as it was placed into evidence in a legal preceding told of a child badly burned from an exploding gas tank that was doomed to die as this was before antibiotics were discovered. A female doctor who just graduated from Dinshah's course turned the Spectrochrome light upon her badly charred and superating body. Within an hour all pain was gone never to return. She completely healed and there were no signs of scarring anywhere on her body. I have photographic proof of this.
I can tell you that I laugh at doctors today. No way would I subject myself to their barbaric treatments for anything. I cancelled my health insurance a long time ago. I keep the accident coverage in place and its dirt cheap. Your doctor doesn't even know how to cure a cold which I do all the time. All disease is the same and once one understands this, the remedy becomes starkly obvious.
To quote Sir Arbuthnot Lane, surgeon to the Queen: "There is but one disease, inadequate drainage."
"avelinedearriba" <aedearriba@
> wow Carmi Hansen, you are very well informed. This is the info I know from an organization of doctors that are curing cancer that way but when I tell people they don't believe me and they just think I am crazy.
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