Wednesday, July 22, 2009

[cancercured] Re: black salve


I am also doing the bloodroot internally. I have learned how to make my own capsules and add things to help stomach upset but really I am fine.

Today was a really bad day as I had to lie to my mom who is undergoing chemo and it is killing her. She was crying. She is in so much pain the morphine is not even touching it.

Crying again here.


--- In, allegra moon <allegramoon@...> wrote:
> My experience for what it's worth:
> I tried many things but nothing worked as well as black salve. I used it under my breasts. I could feel the black salve specifically targeting the tumors. They became very painful and swollen. I could actually feel the path they were taking out of my body. It was very interesting and this process took about ten weeks. Afterwards, my breasts felt lighter and so much better. So did my lymph nodes!
> While doing this, I also drank Pau D'Arco tea....and of course, I cut out sugar and junk foods and changed my diet so that I had as much nutrition as possible. I also use supplements and vitamins.
> I continue with the tea and also am currently taking bloodroot internally...just to be sure I got it all. After initially taking the bloodroot (the first week) - I could feel my lymph nodes swell in my neck. Now there is no sensation and I'm almost finished with my three month treatment.
> For a couple of years, as I was fighting this, my PH balance was always acidic. Now it is normal.
> I also regularly rife and use a VIBE machine.
> I have my life back and I thank God everyday.
> My best friend is now bedridden and dying of breast cancer. She chose to go the chemo route. I tried to talk her out of it, but we are all different and need to use what's best for our own body. I asked God to guide me - it just felt right to do what I did.
> Good luck with your journey.
> Margie

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