Tuesday, July 21, 2009

[cancercured] Re: wheat grass powder


Hi, Kelvin. Yes, I do think that eating to heal and eating to maintain health are two different things.

No, I'm not at all contradicting your statement that we need the basic four you've listed:

"...the fundamentals are the same whether we are maintaining or healing... we all need
1. diet (nourishment);
2. elimination of waste(toxins);
3. exercise (to help expedite elimination and circulation of nutrients to all areas of body);
4. rest and relaxation (the right attitude, meditation, prayer, hope, mitigation of stress, etc.)..."

And, yes, these basics need to be continued whether healing or maintaining health. I also agree that health can be defined as a balanced state - this is my somewhat non-technical understanding of the term 'homeostasis' used in medical terminology.

And, yes, you could consider the extra measures we take for healing to be simply a matter of degrees. That thinking doesn't create any conflicts that I can think of. But, please, don't ask me to believe that there is no practical difference between application of these 4 basics with a healthy body and application of these 4 basics with an unhealthy body!

If we consider blanced health as point zero, and illness as some point below zero, eating to heal is an attempt to reach point zero, again. DEPENDING ON THE DEGREE OF ILLNESS, that can involve a great deal that isn't necessary for maintaining point zero.

Whether you call it a matter of degrees or not, the bottom line is that eating to heal does vary significantly from eating to maintain an established healthy balance.

It's easy to blur the already blurry line, when one considers that we must daily eat to heal from toxins in our air, water and soil, and also must supplement to prevent illness from missing critical nutritional elements in our diet - ie: magnesium, iodine, etc.

I expect that, when and if I reach a point where the goal of healing is not longer the issue and eating to maintain health is primary, my diet will exclude some things that our culture or my ignorance included, and will include some things that might never have been needed in ideal - or even simply better - circumstances. That means, in short, that my definition of healthy foods - or anything else - is undergoing radical change.

When this basic perspective is applied to any of the four basics, then you can certainly call it a matter of degrees. When living out the differences in those degrees, there is a huge difference between eliminating to heal and eliminating when there is no pathogenic overburdening from the norm. All that extra attention and complication involved in maintaining effective elimination while healing is blessedly absent when there is no such concern or need. It works that way for every aspect of living.

Again, this is all my opinion.

Frankly, I don't think we disagree, Kelvin. I think we just see the same thing from differing perspectives, and place emphasis differently, as a result.

To have established as habit an informed and intelligent regime that includes healthy routines of all those four basics doesn't require extra effort. That effort was made in creating and establishing the habits. And, once those habits are established, modifying to accommodate increasingly toxic exposures to pathogens in food and environment becomes considerably less stressful and less complicated than recovery from catastrophic illnesses.

This is a simplistic and idealistic view, as expressed here. I certainly intend a higher degree of diligence than this seems to imply, should I ever get to the point that I'm eating to maintain.

Definintely, eating to heal is different from eating to maintain an established healthy balance.


--- In cancercured@yahoogroups.com, Kelvin <kelvin.internet@...> wrote: "Hi D' Ann I have genuine question about the idea of maintaining health and healing. Are they really two different things?...Based on this definition of health, it would be fitting that the process of healing/repairing/eliminating is the body's means to getting back to equilibrium or good health. I guess you're right... maintaining health is not the same as healing. However, the question that comes to mind is: ...is it fundamentally any different than what we need to do to heal - besides the degrees of what we need to do to heal?"
"...If health can be defined as the body at balance. Then I would submit that the only difference between healing and maintaining health is the degrees we take in fundamental factors of "self-health" and the means we take outside of our bodies (via supplements/therapies) to bring the body to balance."

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