Eating to heal and eating to maintain health are two different things!
Hi D' Ann
I have genuine question about the idea of maintaining health and healing.
Are they really two different things? Perhaps it depends on how we define
healing health and maintaining health...
Would you agree that health, at its essence, is the body functioning proper
efficiency? Where ideal health is at equilibrium? When I wondered about
what "health" really is - outside of opinion or guesses, it seemed that it
boiled down to the body having enough - without excess or defficiency -
where the body (life) can THRIVE as it was originally meant to... and that
this can all happen b/c the body is at balance.
Based on this definition of health, it would be fitting that the process of
equilibrium or good health. I guess you're right... maintaining health is
not the same as healing. However, the question that comes to mind is:
Considering the things that we do to to maintain our health... is it
fundamentally any different than what we need to do to heal - besides the
degrees of what we need to do to heal? Whether we are healing or
maintaining, the body still needs proper nourishment, proper exercise,
proper rest, proper elimination. The only difference is that the body may
need varying levels of each factor in order to heal faster than when it is
only maintaining health.
In my estimation, the main reason we seek further supplements and additional
therapies is so that it gives our bodies the leverage it needs to help come
back to balance. When there is an excess of toxins in our bodies, our
bodies are burdened with the process of trying to eliminate that excess in
our system. Meanwhile, there are a variety of other things going on in our
bodies that may need attention, but may not have the available resources to
handle those things effectively. The supplements and therapies that we seek
are means for our bodies to gain leverage ... the result we desire (to be
healed) is only because the supplements/
leverage it needs to help the body come back to balance.
I'm not well versed in the technical details that some of the members are
better qualified to explain/describe, BUT EVERYTHING that they do describe
is only an attempt to give the body leverage to "come back to balance"
(process of healing).
If health can be defined as the body at balance. Then I would submit that
the only difference between healing and maintaining health is the degrees we
take in fundamental factors of "self-health" and the means we take outside
of our bodies (via supplements/
Sometimes healing can be done w/o external leverage, but it is clear that in
more extreme situations of imbalance, we need all the leverage we can get to
come back to balance.
Finally, for what we can do for ourselves (outside of supplements and
therapies), the fundamentals are the same whether we are maintaining or
healing... we all need 1. diet (nourishment)
(toxins); 3. exercise (to help expedite elimination and circulation of
nutrients to all areas of body); 4. rest and relaxation (the right attitude,
meditation, prayer, hope, mitigation of stress, etc.).... these are the
things we can do within our power for ourselves... what I have coined
need to consider/implement each fundamental.
Are the fundamentals of what we need to do to maintain health different than
what we need to do to heal health? Wouldn't you agree that healing is an
extension and degree of the fundamentals of maintaining health?
On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:58 PM, D' Ann <angelport@hotmail.
> Thanks for the recipe, Nancy! It sounds fab!
> My feelins on medicinal mushrooms are that they should be used with care,
> just like any medicine. But I certainly agree with you that blanket
> statements like all mushrooms cause cancer are less credible than the long
> tradition of using mushrooms to heal in TCM. And if it worked for you
> before, that certainly is another reason to use them now. Same for the Pure
> Synergy!
> I also agree with the idea that dietary protocols can be too restrictive.
> It's important to be careful though. You don't want to do something that
> will counteract the rememdy, and you don't want to create and 'internal
> environment' that will work in opposition to healing. I know I've eaten for
> short periods of time in ways that would make some folks cringe. But, for
> me, it's important to be able to distiquish between healthy cravings and
> unhealthy cravings, and give my body the healthy foods it requires at that
> time, even if it 'breaks protocol' for that short period of time. Protocols
> should be adjusted to each individual - ideally!
> But, then, my opinion of dietary protocols is that restrictive diets should
> be for the short-term. Knowing why I'm excluding certain foods, and for how
> long, means I'm making intelligent changes and paying attention to the
> messages my body is sending me. Not everyone is interested in paying that
> much attention to how they eat and how their body is responding. If everyone
> did that, there would be no market for junk food, fast food, and
> over-processed food. LOL
> Eating to heal and eating to maintain health are two different things!
> D'Ann
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