Friday, July 10, 2009

[cancercured] "Politics in Healing"

If you�learned a lot from "Politics in Healing," you might also be interested in "Racketeering in Medicine," by Dr.�James P. Carter, MD.�Some of the same stories, more of the history of the corruption of medicine.�

I'm on this list not because cancer has impacted my family yet, but because, after a fair amount of reading, I believe we all probably have bodies that are dealing with the precursors of cancer.� Some�people's own systems are able to deal with it without us ever knowing we had a problem, in my opinion.� It's when our own systems fail or are overwhelmed that it becomes diagnosed as "cancer."

I believe, if I ever am diagnosed with cancer, that the slash/burn/poison protocols of "modern" medicine will�not be my first level of treatment, but my last.� Of course, until one hears that word, "cancer" applied to oneself, you never know what you'll do, but this is my belief�now.

I've been taking note of people on this list, and in my area, who are treating cancer�in other ways, and who are reporting success.� So, if I�got that word, I'd tell the MD that I was going for a second opinion, but�I would not take my file to an oncologist.� I'd take it to�Vincent, and�Ralph Moss, and others who I trust would give me an honest assessment....and a different set of options.

From: comdyne2002 <>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 9:57:48 PM
Subject: [cancercured] "Politics in Healing"/was Re: Hi Carmi Hansen .

The reason for your astute observation lies with the fact that our medical system is corrupt. I discovered this having picked up a book in an airport with an unusual title: Politics in Healing by Daniel Haley a congressman..............

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