Bravo for you for keeping up the exercise and effort. I can no longer walk the 1/2 mile block around my house. I am going down so fast it is unreal. The only thing I have left is faith in the Lord, and for whatever reason he seems to want to take me quick.
Yes, I too am of the opinion that there is one fraud on this cancer board who claims to know everything, yet when it gets to the nitty gritty, this person refuses to release any information of value to people in desparate need. But I refuse to mention any names whatsoever in public, nor in private for that matter. People will have to figure this out on their own.
Conversely, there is one member who is immensely intelligent and supporting of anyone who asks for advice.
And please remember my story about my sister -- when she found out I had cancer, she tried to take my children away, tried to bust up my marriage, then when those two things didn't work she tried to sabotage all other lines of support I had. I have never heard of, or witnessed a more vicious attack on one human being by another for no apparent reason, and it happened to me, by my own sister.
God Bless you.
--- In cancercured@
> Thank you Arlyn. Yes, family is difficult. I think when we get a serious Illness, family draws close because they are afraid of us dying. Of course, this is a reality. But also, people want to spend time with loved ones. I am not saying there haven't been fun and wonderful times with my family recently, but they all seem to want to CONTROL me either directly (by telling me what I should or should not do) and indirectly (by not returning calls or always being busy and going somewhere when you do call).
> I just got back from a 2 mile hike. 1 mile stationary bike warm-up at the gym and a 40 minute work-out with weights. I also did my speech therapy exercises.
> I love my family, but I am going to start following the steps in Melody Bettie's book, Co-Dependent No More, which I just got from the library. I don't know how to "detach with love," it always seems I react with either resentment or hostility---
> Anyway, I have some emotional work to do on myself. I am going back to my energy psychologist, who I used right after my stroke. She is great.
> Thank you for all your support, Arlyn. I get support from my family too. I don't want to leave the impression that they haven't supported me as well. I have to work on ME and leave them alone to solve their own issues. This is the major problem co's have---we worry about other people's business and should simply stay out of other people's problems and solve our own and get a true live.
> Nancy
> --- On Sun, 7/19/09, Arlyn <arlynsg@...
> Hi Nancy,
> I had many problems with family and so-called friends when I went raw. For whatever reason, people seem offended when someone close to them makes a lifestyle change that will actually improve their life. (You are, of course, fighting for your life - which puts a whole new perspective on it).
> I remember soon after I was diagnosed, I was at dinner with my father. We were eating in our favorite Indian restaurant. My father was trying to decide between chicken or shrimp. I suggested he choose vegetables instead. My father replied, "Vegetables? ? But they cause CANCER!" It was actually very funny - as he meant it to be. My family still makes fun of my diet. And though I am the healthiest one of them and eat the healthiest diet, I am the one with the cancer diagnosis.
> But I digress. It's important that you are only surround yourself with people who will support you - or who will offer intelligent suggestions. I'm sorry that you spent the day with someone who did not meet that criteria. Of course, the vast majority of people do not believe that diet changes will have any affect on cancer, so I doubt your relative will ever take this diet seriously for you.
> ar
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